Frequently Asked Questions
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The last day to submit an enrollment form is Saturday, September 25, 2021
You will not be able to print a blank enrollment form directly from the enrollment page. The enrollment page is used exclusively for digital enrollment. If you wish to submit a paper enrollment, you can download a form from
If you need to make any changes or corrections to a previously submitted online enrollment:
a. Re-visit
b. Click the 'Enroll Now!' button and re-enroll your information.
c. Submitting another enrollment will override your previous enrollment information.
d. Upon re-submission, you will receive an email confirmation, keep this for your records.
Continue the online enrollment process with at least your dependent’s name and submit. You can submit additional information at a later date.
You can submit an image of any supporting documents, i.e., birth certificate, legal guardianship, adoption papers, etc., in the 'Upload Document' section at the bottom of the page.
After submitting your enrollment, you will receive an email confirmation [provided that you nominated a valid email address]. Keep this for your records.